
Walking, again.

January 24, 2010

I went for a walk, from my house out across the fields and back again. Past all the snow melt and confused looking cows standing on the edges of the huge puddles, the ones  that are now spread out over the low-lying water meadows.

I found this wooden palette next to the allotments that  lie on the other side of the new ring road. They were full of brussels sprouts and winter peas and hard compacted mounds of earth protecting some kind of other root crop deep inside. I would love an allotment, the waiting list for a piece of land is now about 15 years! Can  you believe it?


Where I live is so flat. It could not be more different from Hiroshima, which is ringed by mountains and  spills out onto the ocean. I really love mountains – I am missing them.

 The path I took goes through Witches Wood and across Troll Bridge. My Dad and I named these when I was little and we used to ride our bikes along the pathway. When we took my nephews to Troll bridge, Dad pretended the troll had gotten his leg and it was pulling him down. They ran screeeeeeeeeeeaming across the fields!



Mizi xo

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